What We Believe


Sunday - 10 AM Worship Service.

Wakefield Baptist Church Core Beliefs

The Lordship of Jesus Christ

Jesus, the Son of God, is our sovereign authority in all matters of life and faith. He died to save us from our sins, rose from death to offer us eternal life, and reigns as Lord to govern and guide our lives. (Colossians 1: 15-20)

The Scriptures as the Word of God

The Bible is our most trusted revelation regarding who God is and his desires for creation. It offers wisdom for life, bears full and complete witness to his Son, Jesus, and guidance for his church. (2 Timothy 3: 16-17)

Believers Baptism

Baptists reserve baptism until that moment in a person's life when he or she accepts the grace and forgiveness of God and answers the invitation for a new life in Christ. Then, as believers, new Christians are usually fully immersed in water, symbolizing the death and "burial" of their old selves and their rising to new life in Christ.  (Romans 6: 1-11)

The Priesthood of all believers

Each newly baptized Christian enjoys a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We are free to pray and serve under the guidance of his Word and Spirit. We are called to minister to others in his name, forgive their sins as he forgives us, and offer assurance of pardon as we share the good news of his love.  (1 Peter 2: 4-10)