

Sunday - 10 AM Worship Service.

Missions · Reaching the World for Christ

Wakefield Baptist Church as a congregation, seeks to be faithful to the call of our Lord to share God's love and saving grace with the whole world:  But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and  you will be my witness in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8)

In our community we partner with..

The Jonnycake Center, South County Habitat for Humanity and Welcome House.

In our state we unite with...

The American Baptist Churches of Rhode Island to support Elder Care Ministries.

Throughout the nation...and around the world...

The American Baptist Churches, USA coordinates missions efforts all over the globe through a network of missionaries and institutions, providing a wide assortment of educational and ministry opportunities, evangelism and church planting, disaster relief, poverty assistance, community building, health and agricultural efforts.

We contribute to AMOS,  The Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering, America for Christ, World Mission Offering and One Great Hour of Sharing. 

Adam Balduff, Missions and Donor Relations Associate for AMOS Health and Hope came to preach and share the work being done in Nicaragua. AMOS provides 23 rural villages with community based health clinics, medicines, training and water filters so families can have clean drinking water.